BAT10 BRECOFLEX® polyurethane timing belt


  • Standard, single-sided
  • Preferred belt widths: 32, 50, 75, 100 mm

Available endless lengths:

  • For standard lengths refer to table
  • Under 1,100 mm: not available
  • 1,100 mm and over: any number of teeth
  • Intermediate lengths on request
  • Over 22,000 mm: please enquire

Please consider our warranty.

standard storage goods
Length Teeth
CAD 1100 110 CAD
CAD 1150 115 CAD
CAD 1210 121 CAD
CAD 1240 124 CAD
CAD 1250 125 CAD
CAD 1320 132 CAD
CAD 1400 140 CAD
CAD 1500 150 CAD
CAD 1600 160 CAD
CAD 1700 170 CAD
CAD 1800 180 CAD
CAD 1900 190 CAD
CAD 2000 200 CAD
CAD 2240 224 CAD
CAD 2500 250 CAD
CAD 2800 280 CAD
CAD 3000 300 CAD
CAD 3550 355 CAD
CAD 4000 400 CAD
CAD 4500 450 CAD
CAD 5000 500 CAD
CAD 5600 560 CAD
CAD 6000 600 CAD
CAD 6700 670 CAD
CAD 7100 710 CAD
CAD 7500 750 CAD

Belt width b [cm]

b& = {F_U \over {z_e \cdot F_{Uspez}}} && F_U [N] \\
b& = {100 \cdot M \over {z_1 \cdot z_e \cdot M_{spez}}} && M [Nm]\\
b& = {1000 \cdot P \over {z_1 \cdot z_e  \cdot P_{spez}}} && P [kW]

Load bearing characteristics of the drive

when belt width [cm] is

F_{U}& = {F_{Uspez} \cdot z_e \cdot b} &&[N]\\
M& = {{M_{spez} \cdot z_1 \cdot z_e \cdot b} \over {100}} &&[Nm]\\
P& = {{P_{spez} \cdot z_1 \cdot z_e \cdot b} \over {1000}} &&[kW]

Number of teeth in mesh

 z_{e max}& = {12}\\
 z_e& = {{{z_1} \over {180}} \cdot \arccos{{t \cdot (z_2 - z_1)} \over {2\pi \cdot a}}}\\


1. Tooth shear strength

specific belt tooth strength

Rotational speed n [rpm] Fuspez [N/cm] Mspez [Ncm/cm] Pspez [W/cm] Rotational speed n [rpm] Fuspez [N/cm] Mspez [Ncm/cm] Pspez [W/cm]
0 92,75 14,769 0,000 2000 50,89 8,103 16,970
20 91,39 14,552 0,305 2200 49,20 7,834 18,047
40 90,11 14,349 0,601 2400 47,64 7,586 19,064
60 88,91 14,158 0,890 2600 46,19 7,356 20,026
80 87,78 13,978 1,171 2800 44,84 7,141 20,936
100 86,71 13,807 1,446 3000 43,58 6,939 21,799
200 82,07 13,069 2,737 3200 42,39 6,750 22,617
300 78,30 12,469 3,917 3400 41,26 6,571 23,394
400 75,13 11,963 5,011 3600 40,20 6,401 24,131
500 72,39 11,527 6,035 3800 39,19 6,240 24,831
600 69,98 11,143 7,001 4000 38,23 6,087 25,496
700 67,82 10,800 7,916 4500 36,01 5,733 27,016
800 65,88 10,490 8,787 5000 34,00 5,415 28,349
900 64,10 10,208 9,620 5500 32,18 5,125 29,514
1000 62,47 9,948 10,417 6000 30,51 4,859 30,528
1100 60,96 9,708 11,182 6500 28,97 4,614 31,401
1200 59,56 9,484 11,917 7000 27,54 4,386 32,145
1300 58,25 9,275 12,626 7500 26,20 4,173 32,770
1400 57,02 9,079 13,310 8000 24,95 3,973 33,282
1500 55,86 8,895 13,971 8500 23,77 3,785 33,690
1600 54,76 8,720 14,609 9000 22,66 3,608 33,999
1700 53,72 8,554 15,227 9500 21,60 3,439 34,214
1800 52,73 8,397 15,826 10000 20,60 3,280 34,342
1900 51,79 8,246 16,407        

Rotational speeds over 10000 rpm and/or belt speeds over 60 m/s are in need of a special drive design. Please request for our advice.

2. Tension cord strength [N]

permitted tensile force of the belt Fzul

Belt width b [mm] 32 50 75 100
BRECOFLEX BAT10 / BAT10-E 4750 7750 12000 16000
BRECOFLEX BAT10 VA-tension member 3420 5580 8640 11520

3. Belt weights [kg/m]

Belt width b [mm] 32 50 75 100
BRECOFLEX BAT10 0,180 0,290 0,436 0,581

4. Flexibility

Minimum numbers of teeth, minimum diameter

( X ) without contraflexure

( X X ) with contraflexure

Belt type Number of teeth zmin ( X ) Tension roller dmin [mm] ( X ) Number of teeth zmin ( X X ) Tension roller dmin [mm] ( X X )
BRECOFLEX BAT10 20 60 25 120
BRECOFLEX BAT10-E 18 50 20 80
BRECOFLEX BAT10 VA-tension member 25 80 40 130

BAT10 BRECOFLEX® Polyurethan-Zahnriemen