Technical data AT5 GEN III

Belt width b [cm]

b& = {F_U \over {z_e \cdot F_{Uspez}}} && F_U [N] \\
b& = {100 \cdot M \over {z_1 \cdot z_e \cdot M_{spez}}} && M [Nm]\\
b& = {1000 \cdot P \over {z_1 \cdot z_e  \cdot P_{spez}}} && P [kW]

Load bearing characteristics of the drive

when belt width [cm] is

F_{U}& = {F_{Uspez} \cdot z_e \cdot b} &&[N]\\
M& = {{M_{spez} \cdot z_1 \cdot z_e \cdot b} \over {100}} &&[Nm]\\
P& = {{P_{spez} \cdot z_1 \cdot z_e \cdot b} \over {1000}} &&[kW]

Number of teeth in mesh

 z_{e max}& = {16}\\
 z_e& = {{{z_1} \over {180}} \cdot \arccos{{t \cdot (z_2 - z_1)} \over {2\pi \cdot a}}}\\


1. Tooth shear strength

specific belt tooth strength

Rotational speed n [rpm] Fuspez [N/cm] Mspez [Ncm/cm] Pspez [W/cm] Rotational speed n [rpm] Fuspez [N/cm] Mspez [Ncm/cm] Pspez [W/cm]
0 48,48 3,86 0,00 2000 30,07 2,39 5,01
20 47,96 3,82 0,08 2200 29,29 2,33 5,37
40 47,43 3,77 0,16 2400 28,57 2,27 5,71
60 46,94 3,74 0,23 2600 27,91 2,22 6,05
80 46,47 3,70 0,31 2800 27,28 2,17 6,37
100 46,02 3,66 0,38 3000 26,70 2,12 6,67
200 44,05 3,51 0,73 3200 26,14 2,08 6,97
300 42,42 3,38 1,06 3400 25,62 2,04 7,26
400 41,03 3,27 1,37 3600 25,13 2,00 7,54
500 39,82 3,17 1,66 3800 24,66 1,96 7,81
600 38,75 3,08 1,94 4000 24,21 1,93 8,07
700 37,78 3,01 2,20 4500 23,18 1,84 8,69
800 36,91 2,94 2,46 5000 22,25 1,77 9,27
900 36,11 2,87 2,71 5500 21,40 1,70 9,81
1000 35,37 2,81 2,95 6000 20,62 1,64 10,31
1100 34,68 2,76 3,18 6500 19,90 1,58 10,78
1200 34,05 2,71 3,40 7000 19,24 1,53 11,22
1300 33,45 2,66 3,62 7500 18,61 1,48 11,63
1400 32,88 2,62 3,84 8000 18,03 1,43 12,02
1500 32,35 2,57 4,04 8500 17,48 1,39 12,38
1600 31,85 2,53 4,25 9000 16,95 1,35 12,71
1700 31,37 2,50 4,44 9500 16,46 1,31 13,03
1800 30,92 2,46 4,64 10000 15,99 1,27 13,33
1900 30,49 2,43 4,83        

Rotational speeds over 10000 rpm and/or belt speeds over 80 m/s are in need of a special drive design. Please request for our advice.

2. Tension cord strength [N]

permitted tensile force of the belt Fzul

Belt width b [mm] 6 10 16 25 32 50 75 100
SYNCHROFLEX AT5 Gen. III 417 787 1342 2175 2823 4489 6803 9117

3. Belt weights [kg/m]

Belt width b [mm] 6 10 16 25 32 50 75 100
SYNCHROFLEX AT5 Gen. III 0,022 0,036 0,058 0,090 0,115 0,180 0,270 0,360

4. Flexibility

Minimum numbers of teeth, minimum diameter

( X ) without contraflexure

( X X ) with contraflexure

Belt type Number of teeth zmin ( X ) Tension roller dmin [mm] ( X ) Number of teeth zmin ( X X ) Tension roller dmin [mm] ( X X )