Technical data SFAT15

Belt width b [cm]

b& = {F_U \over {z_e \cdot F_{Uspez}}} && F_U [N] \\
b& = {100 \cdot M \over {z_1 \cdot z_e \cdot M_{spez}}} && M [Nm]\\
b& = {1000 \cdot P \over {z_1 \cdot z_e  \cdot P_{spez}}} && P [kW]

Load bearing characteristics of the drive

when belt width [cm] is

F_{U}& = {F_{Uspez} \cdot z_e \cdot b} &&[N]\\
M& = {{M_{spez} \cdot z_1 \cdot z_e \cdot b} \over {100}} &&[Nm]\\
P& = {{P_{spez} \cdot z_1 \cdot z_e \cdot b} \over {1000}} &&[kW]

Number of teeth in mesh

 z_{e max}& = {12}\\
 z_e& = {{{z_1} \over {180}} \cdot \arccos{{t \cdot (z_2 - z_1)} \over {2\pi \cdot a}}}\\


1. Tooth shear strength

specific belt tooth strength

Rotational speed n [rpm] Fuspez [N/cm] Mspez [Ncm/cm] Pspez [W/cm] Rotational speed n [rpm] Fuspez [N/cm] Mspez [Ncm/cm] Pspez [W/cm]
0 110,250 29,250 0,000 1600 60,150 15,205 25,502
20 110,250 28,715 0,601 1700 58,650 14,840 26,429
40 108,300 28,235 1,182 1800 57,300 14,475 27,311
60 106,550 27,755 1,745 1900 55,950 14,165 28,153
80 104,900 27,335 2,291 2000 54,700 13,810 28,955
100 103,300 26,920 2,821 2200 53,500 13,200 30,450
150 101,800 26,015 4,086 2400 51,300 12,655 31,810
200 98,450 25,175 5,278 2500 49,250 12,410 32,445
300 95,400 23,790 7,477 2600 48,250 12,115 33,045
400 90,300 22,640 9,478 2800 47,300 11,680 34,165
500 85,950 21,615 11,321 2880 45,500 11,445 34,585
600 82,300 20,765 13,030 3000 44,800 11,200 35,185
700 79,050 19,975 14,626 3200 43,800 10,775 36,100
730 76,100 19,740 15,085 3400 42,250 10,350 36,920
800 75,350 19,255 16,122 3600 40,750 9,985 37,650
900 73,500 18,590 17,530 3800 39,350 9,620 38,300
1000 71,150 17,990 18,858 4000 38,050 9,260 38,875
1100 68,950 17,445 20,115 4500 36,750 8,470 39,980
1200 66,950 16,955 21,305 5000 35,450 7,745 40,675
1300 65,050 16,475 22,435 5500 34,150 6,855 41,470
1400 63,350 16,045 23,509 6000 32,950 6,135 42,315
1460 61,700 15,800 24,128 6500 31,750 5,235 43,010
1500 60,700 15,620 24,530

Rotational speeds over 6500 rpm and/or belt speeds over 40 m/s are in need of a special drive design. Please request for our advice.

2. Tension cord strength [N]

permitted tensile force of the belt Fzul

Belt width b [mm] 50 75 100
BRECOFLEX SFAT15 10000 15600 21200

3. Belt weights [kg/m]

Belt width b [mm] 50 75 100
BRECOFLEX SFAT15 0,440 0,660 0,875

4. Flexibility

Minimum numbers of teeth, minimum diameter

( X ) without contraflexure

( X X ) with contraflexure

Belt type Number of teeth zmin ( X ) Tension roller dmin [mm] ( X ) Number of teeth zmin ( X X ) Tension roller dmin [mm] ( X X )
BRECOFLEX SFAT15 20 95 25 150